E-Mail: [email protected]
Tel: +98 21 4405 1345
Mobile: +98 912 646 3263
1997-2001 Kharazmi University BSc. Computer Engineering (Software)
2013-2014 Shiraz University MSc. IT Engineering (Software development)
2018-2021 Qom Azad university PhD Software Engineering
Work Experience
2001-2003 Nazm Afarinan Pooya Co.
Implementation of Automation software for Conscription system (Iran Government)
P. Lang: Oracle Developer 6.0
CASE tool: Oracle Designer 6.0
Methodology: CDM
2003-2006 Behin Cara Inc.
Designer and Developer
Design and implement of DEA software for Behin Cara International institute
P. Lang: Delphi 7.0 & MS .NET (C#)
Case Tool: Rational Rose
Methodology: RUP
2006-2008 Douran Company
Senior Developer and CTO
Design and implement of ERP (Douran-ERP TM)
P. Lang : Java
Case Tool: Rational Rose & Oracle Designer
Methodology: RUP
2008-Now Behin Gostar Company.
Board member & CTO
Design and implement of 12 software and solutions.
P. Lang: MS .NET (C#), Android, Java
Consultant for 3 projects and supervisor for 2 projects
Front-End: HTML, CSS, JQuery, Bootstrap, Angular
Android (Android Studio/Java native)
MS .NET (C#)
Java (Core + Swing + Struts + EJB)
Oracle ADF
Oracle 8i – Oracle 12c
MS SQL Server (20+ year) .
CDM (Oracle® Custom Development Method)
Generate all CRM documents from Oracle Designer in Conscription project
Big Data (Experience with Hadoop)
Micro-Service on Kubernetes and Istio service mesh
DBMS and Expert systems university courses